Capture Visualizer in Avolites

Capture Visualizer in Avolites Capture Visualizer in Avolites

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The Capture Visualizer in Avolites provides a built-in 3D lighting preview, allowing for programming and editing without needing access to the actual lighting rig. This integration makes it easier to pre-program services, train volunteers, and experiment with new stage designs.

Setting Up the Capture Visualizer

The Capture Visualizer can be opened as a workspace within Avolites, alongside a dedicated settings window for adjusting its parameters. Camera views can be customized with pan, tilt, orbit, and zoom controls to replicate different audience perspectives. Multi-view mode allows for a four-panel display, making fixture positioning more precise.

Building an Accurate Stage Model

The stage environment can be customized by adjusting dimensions, adding risers, and modifying colors to match the real-world setup. Fixtures are positioned using the visualizer’s editing tools, with options to fan out lights evenly across the stage. Using a laser distance meter helps accurately place elements when drawings aren’t available.

Enhancing Visual Fidelity and Exporting Shows

Capture settings allow for fine-tuning ambient light, haze density, and rendering quality to simulate realistic stage conditions. Show files can be imported and exported between different systems, enabling programming at home and quick setup on-site. This is particularly useful for portable church setups or multi-use venues.

