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Managing production requests in church can be challenging. Whether it’s lack of clarity or lack of understanding from either side, this collaboration can seem like a chore. Todd Elliott, Founder of FILO, gives practical advice on turning creative ideas into reality and how to ask the right questions.
Understanding Production Requests
Often, those requesting production elements don't fully understand what they are asking for. It's crucial to clarify and ask questions to ensure successful execution. Non-production staff may not grasp the complexities of their requests. Ask questions. Make sure all details are clear. This will avoid miscommunication and issues.
Effective communication is key to successful production. By asking good questions, you can better understand the intent behind creative ideas. You can also manage expectations. Discuss the budget and resource implications early in the planning process.
Collaborative Problem-Solving
Collaboration and flexibility are essential when managing production. In brainstorming sessions, keep an open mind. Focus on finding solutions, not dismissing ideas. Approach brainstorming with a "yes" mindset to explore possibilities. Work together to fit ideas to available resources and constraints.
Provide Options
When faced with requests, provide many doable options. Don't just reject or blindly agree. This helps manage expectations and fosters collaborative decision-making. Give stakeholders several good options. Share the decision-making burden. Involve others in choosing the best option.
FILO (First In Last Out) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization built around supporting technical artists who serve the local church, designed to provide skill development, community and inspiration to equip technical artists to become effective contributors to their local church. Learn more and join the community at
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