Effects on the SQ7

Dive deep into the powerful world of effects processing on the SQ7, providing you with the knowledge and skills to elevate your mix.

Key Points:
  • Learn how to populate the eight available effects racks to tailor your sound processing needs. Whether it's vocal reverbs, delays, drum ambiance, or instrument verbs, we've got you covered.
  • Choose and assign effects units from a vast library of presets. See how easy it is to swap out effects presets on the fly to match your requirements.
  • Tweak effect parameters directly on the SQ7’s screen which includes options such as high-pass filters, pre-delay, decay time, and room size to fine-tune your sound.
  • Use global tap tempo to sync your delays and other time-based effects effortlessly.
  • Dive into expert mode to access advanced parameters and take your effects processing to the next level. Explore a wide range of additional effects, including gated verbs, subharmonic content processing, de-essers, dynamic EQs, and multi-band compression.
  • Despite its compact form factor, this console delivers outstanding sound quality and an array of versatile effects tools.