Production Isn't The Most Important Thing

There are certain challenges and also many joys of serving in production. Balance excellence in production with the needs of your church. Be a team player and trust leadership while also maintaining a level of flexibility. Prioritize the church’s mission over perfect production.

Embrace Your Role

Being a production person in the church is a unique calling. You use your specific gifts to serve the church's mission. Recognize that your skills are valuable. They are placed with purpose in the church.

Balance Excellence with Flexibility

Striving for production excellence is important. But, it's crucial to be flexible. You should prioritize the church's needs over perfect production. Perfection is impossible. Aim for excellence. Be adaptable. Be willing to adjust or drop items for the church's mission.

Adapt to Unexpected Changes

Church production often involves unexpected changes that require quick thinking and flexibility. Be ready for changes. Expect and adapt to last-minute ones. For example, a guest speaker may be unable to attend.

FILO (First In Last Out) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization built around supporting technical artists who serve the local church, designed to provide skill development, community and inspiration to equip technical artists to become effective contributors to their local church. Learn more and join the community at

