Pad Player in Playback

PadPlayer, a feature of Playback from, is incredibly versatile. PadPlayer can integrate with cloud-based soundtracks. It allows for seamless transitions and key changes. PadPlayer is ideal for moments of improvisation or structured worship sets. Learn how to manipulate ambient pads for different sonic textures. In addition, learn how to use PadPlayer with song section pre-roll.

Key Points:
  • You can access PadPlayer in Playback’s settings. It offers a selection of ambient pads, including song-specific options from
  • Users can change pads easily, with a range of options from various producers. The selected pad will play in the chosen key when a key is pressed.
  • Ambient pads consist of five faders. Each fader contributes to the overall texture and sonic landscape. This allows for customizable ambient sounds.
  • PadPlayer integrates with cloud accounts. This ensures that any changes made to a pad are saved and associated with the respective song.
  • PadPlayer synchronizes with the key of the song being played. It automatically switches to the appropriate pad and key.
  • The 'song section pre-roll' feature in settings allows for automated fader adjustments. This facilitates smoother transitions in live settings.
  • PadPlayer can be customized for each song in the setlist. Options include starting with a pad, excluding pads, or using pads only for intros or outros.
  • Users have the flexibility to use ambient pads independently of songs. This is suitable for moments requiring atmospheric backing, such as communion or preaching.
  • The addition of tap tempo functionality enables the band to align with the worship leader’s tempo. It enhances live coordination.

