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Execute the Vision (The Grind)
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The busiest part of service planning is what is often referred to as “the grind.” This is the crucial phase when you see your plans carried out. While it’s important to lock everything in and get the work done, you and your team should be mindful of your health. Avoid burnout and help ensure event success by communicating the why behind serving.
Maintain Personal Health and Focus
‘The Grind’ is characterized by intense work, where the risk of burnout is high. The most important thing in this phase is to stay healthy with exercise, good food, and enough sleep. It’s crucial to resist the urge to neglect these aspects with the pressing demands of preparing for services. Shift your focus to the spiritual impact on your church community, rather than the tasks.
- Personal health is key to lasting energy and focus.
Efficiently Execute Tasks
During the grind, it’s all about going from “unchecked” to “checked.” This plan needs careful delegation and clear communication. Precise logistics are key to ensuring that all of your team members feel ready for the final execution of your service or event.
- Transition tasks from planning to execution and therefore completion.
- Delegation and logistics are crucial for managing tasks.
Handle Logistics with Precision
Logistics can be very complex, or fairly simple depending on the size of your service and church. Whether it’s technical needs or team care, each detail should be planned and done well. When you focus on the small details and do them well, you avoid distractions during services.
- Event logistics can be complex or simple, either way they are incredibly important.
- Plan each detail with care to ensure a smooth execution.
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