Auxes, Groups & Matrices on eMotion LV1 Classic

Audio mixing in a live worship environment involves juggling multiple channels, effects, and outputs. Understanding the intricacies of groups, auxes, and matrices can significantly enhance your production quality and workflow efficiency for both in-person and live-streamed services.

Streamlining Your Mix with Groups

Groups in LV1 Classic offer a powerful way to manage and process multiple channels together. You can easily assign channels to groups using the patch window, allowing for quick organization of instrument types like drums, bass, and electric guitars. This grouping method enables you to apply processing to entire instrument sections, giving you more control over your overall mix.

Enhancing Your Sound with Auxes and Effects

LV1 Classic provides eight effects channels that can be used for various purposes such as reverbs, delays, and more. These effects are integrated into the console, eliminating the need for separate aux masters and return faders. You can quickly adjust send levels from individual channels and control the return level with a single fader, streamlining your effects management during live worship.

Creating Custom Mixes with Matrices

Matrices in LV1 Classic allow you to create custom mixes for different purposes. With eight available matrices, each offering 12 inputs, you can easily set up feeds for areas like the lobby, nursing mother's room, or even a separate mix for your lighting director. This flexibility ensures that everyone in your production team and congregation receives the audio they need.

