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A Servant's Heart

A servant’s heart is vital to a healthy view of serving. Biblical principles and personal experiences can change the perspective you have on serving. A servant’s heart attitude boosts service effectiveness and fulfillment.

The Heart Behind Serving

Split external motivations from the internal drive. This includes things like commitment and teamwork. The drive is needed for an impactful service. You need an internal vision to match the external actions of serving. The concept of a servant’s heart is about how the desire to serve should come from a real connection to one’s faith and community. It shouldn’t come from seeking recognition or accolades.

Maintain Perspective in Service

Keeping humility and perspective is vital to serving in the church. Avoid pride and being ‘indispensable’ while understanding the dangers of pride when one’s role becomes too much of their identity. Humility is vital to seeing your role as a part of the spiritual growth of your church rather than a path to personal gain.

Servant Leadership

Servant leaders inspire their teams by showing commitment and a true servant’s heart. Leaders can greatly impact a team’s morale and effectiveness through their attitude and approach every Sunday.

Spiritual Disciplines

Personal spiritual disciplines sustain the ability to serve well. Integrate your own personal faith with the serving you do to see serving as an extension of their faith and worship. Personal spiritual health is crucial and it depends on personal commitment to prayer, bible study, and other disciplines.


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