Your Actual Role

Self-leadership is the key value to personal growth. Humility and devotional practices may seem obvious, but the reality is that most people miss this step. These help enhance your own personal life, and the life of your church. Regularly pray and spend time with God. Own your mistakes, and build community beyond the technical roles. Set up accountability and lead yourself well.

Own Mistakes and Express Humility

Humility is especially important when mistakes are made or interactions go wrong. Being willing to apologize and learn from these experiences is key. This is crucial for your own personal growth and for healthy team and church relationships.
  • Apologize when needed. Admit when you’re wrong and make amends. This is key for building trust and respect.

Daily Time With God

It seems obvious, but it’s vital to stay connected to God and His word. This requires strong personal discipline to read the Bible, pray, and journal. This foundation supports your personal well-being and enhances the ability to lead and serve others well.
  • Regular time with God is important. This helps align your actions and decisions with your faith. This alignment contributes to a more meaningful impact when serving.

Community and Connection

Building a community is important, outside of production itself. Take part in the community of your church, and interact with others in non-technical settings to allow for closer relationships and mutual support.
  • Build relationships beyond roles. Spend time with other church members, volunteers, and leaders outside of the church building itself. This helps build a sense of belonging and teamwork that is crucial for a thriving ministry.

Develop Accountability

Having someone to confide in is essential. This person should provide guidance for personal and professional challenges. They can also simply serve as a listening ear to help you navigate struggles in your faith and other aspects of your life.
  • Accountability is key to growth. It encourages transparency. It offers support in overcoming challenges. And it leads to continuous personal and spiritual growth.

