Building Culture

Creating and managing a healthy team culture can be an intricate endeavor. However, culture is especially important within church environments. Culture is more often absorbed than directly taught. Culture can be compared to family dynamics, where values are caught, just not taught. Culture is the DNA of the team, and it’s important to nurture a positive and vibrant atmosphere through growth and collaboration.

Key Points:
  • Culture in a team or organization is like family values, it is absorbed rather than dictated, forming the team’s DNA.
  • Building a healthy culture is challenging. It can be easily destroyed by a single conversation or action.
  • A leader’s role is to exemplify and safeguard the desired culture. This means, however, that the behavior and decisions of a leader are impactful on your team’s culture.
  • Practical aspects of managing culture include carefully selecting team members. Ensure they align with the team's values and atmosphere.
  • The concept of protecting culture from toxicity focuses on fostering a positive and inclusive environment without being exclusive or cliquey.
  • Technical skills and experience are considered secondary to a person’s fit within the culture. This highlights the importance of attitudes like humility and teamwork over mere expertise.

