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Sounds Better in Doubler
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Effects go beyond just basic reverb and delay. Doublers are used to enhance vocals by creating a richer sound in live music.
Key Points:
- Effects can greatly improve a vocal track. They go beyond reverb and delay to include doublers and phasing effects.
- Using a doubler can thicken the lead vocal. This is especially useful in choruses to mimic a "gang vocal" sound with few on-stage singers.
- The technique involves subtly riding the effect in and out. You must maintain control over the effect's presence. It should complement the vocal, not overpower it.
- The doubler effect creates a dynamic, breathing movement in stereo.
- Mixing reverb and delay with the doubler effect can make a rich, enveloping sound.
- The doubler is less important when the full band comes in. It brings the vocal to the front without changing its natural sound.
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