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Ross TouchDrive Overview
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Jeremy Bagwell takes a deep dive into the TouchDrive panel, from Ross video. The goal is to familiarize yourself with its features and capabilities.
Key Points:
- General overview of the TouchDrive panel, highlighting its user-friendly design and functionality.
- The TD2 features 15 buttons and numerous touch screens. These displays can all be adjusted according to your needs, with digital labels and dynamic interactions.
- The panel has custom control banks, with ease of use to transfer between controlling keyers, recalling memories, and returning to custom controls.
- Rapid response is crucial in fast-paced production environments, and the TouchDrive shines in this area with the ease of use touchscreens.
- Learn how to change the rate and speed of cross dissolves, demonstrating comprehensive control capabilities.
Gain a detailed and practical understanding of the TouchDrive panel, showcasing its advanced features and ease of use in any environment.
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