
Dive into the functionalities of the Waves Vitamin plug-in. This advanced sonic enhancer adds clarity, depth, and width to different elements in a mix. Specifically, focus on using the plug-on to process synth tracks. Focus on manipulating frequency bands to enhance the stereo field and overall tonality of the sound.

Key Points:
  • The plug-in can adjust the width and breadth of specific frequency ranges. It offers more control than traditional EQ or compression.
  • The plug-in features a familiar interface with crossover points that can be moved to focus on different frequency bands.
  • Solo bands to pinpoint specific frequency ranges for enhancement or reduction.
  • The bottom knob adjusts the stereo width of each frequency band, allowing for more mono or stereo output.
  • Adding width to upper-mid and high frequencies creates a sense of spaciousness and depth.
  • In a live setting, making some frequency bands mono while others are stereo can drastically change the sound's complexion.
  • The plug-in is versatile and can be used for mastering, front of house, and monitor mixes, making it a valuable tool for live sound.
  • It can be applied to various instruments, including keys, to create space in the mix for crucial elements like vocals.


