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Using Multiple Reverbs on Vocals
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Layering different reverbs to create your own reverb or having multiple reverbs on standby can be a great tool for adding some depth to our vocals. Lee shows us his approach to this with the Waves HReverb plugin.
Key Points:
Key Points:
- Blending together a short verb with a longer verb can help you achieve that desired big vocal sound.
- Be careful to not add too much verb. It can become distracting for the audience and even for the vocalist themselves.
- Always be sure to listen to your verbs in context. What might feel too bright in isolation might be just what you need to help that vocal cut through the mix. Likewise, cutting too much in the higher frequencies can lead to overall muddiness when increasing the volume of the verb.
- Just like all aspects of audio, this is a balancing act that will take a few tries to get right!
Gear in This Video:
- Waves LV1
- Waves HReverb