Tuning Vocals with Plugins

Tuning Vocals with Plugins Tuning Vocals with Plugins

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Vocal tuning for Live applications is a useful tool to help us get our mixes and performances closer to that of recorded music. Vocalists are generally more pleased with their performances when we apply tuning, and it can help a tired vocalist at 8am hit those high notes! Jeff shows us how to use the Waves Tune Real-Time plugin, and best practices for a natural vocal.

Key Points:
  • In live sound, a little bit of tuning can go a long way! However overdoing it with tuning can be distracting in a live environment, and it’s wise to be mindful of this when using tuning live.
  • Make sure you ask your worship leader the specific key each song is in your set, that way you can set Waves Tune Real-Time to the correct scale so it can tune correctly.

Gear in This Video:
  • Waves LV1
  • Waves Tune Real-Time

