Sub Groups

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Sub Groups

If you’ve been overwhelmed by the enormous amount of routing options available on most consoles these days don’t worry, you’re not alone! There are many ways to skin a cat with routing. Jeff and Charlie walk through their thoughts on how they handle sub groups. 

Key Points:
  • Using sub groups can be a great mixing tool when busing multiple channels.
  • The two types of sub group processing are: 
    • Serial processing: Assigning inputs to a single sub group.
    • Parallel processing: Assigning the same inputs to multiple sub groups to apply different types of processing that you’re going to blend in the mix. (Parallel processing comes in handy when mixing drums.)
  • Sub groups are a type of split and another creative way to achieve a great mix. Stay organized, keep a clear view of the signal map, and make the most of this tool!


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