Pursue Excellence, Not Perfection

The distinction between excellence and perfection needs to be made clear. Perfection is simply unattainable. But, striving for excellence is both possible and crucial for your services. Improve your best to make it even better with what you have. Don’t fall into the trap of perfectionism.

The Myth of Perfection

Perfection is an unrealistic goal in church production. Even the most skilled teams experience mistakes because perfection does not exist. Mistakes are inevitable as we are all human. Pursuing excellence is often mistaken for perfectionism by outsiders.

Pursuit of Excellence

Excellence is achievable and should be the goal. It involves continuous improvement and making the best use of available resources. Continuous Improvement means striving to be better today than yesterday. Excellence means making the best use of the equipment, people, and resources you have.

Excellence vs. Perfectionism

Excellence and perfectionism differ in a key way. Excellence is attainable and relative to your context. Perfectionism is not. Focus on progress and improvement rather than an impossible standard. Excellence looks different in every context.

Heart Posture

It is important to maintain the right attitude towards excellence. Strive to improve for the sake of the church's mission, not for the sake of perfection. Perception vs. Reality. Focus on your own excellence, not on others' perfectionism.

FILO (First In Last Out) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization built around supporting technical artists who serve the local church, designed to provide skill development, community and inspiration to equip technical artists to become effective contributors to their local church. Learn more and join the community at filo.org.

