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CO2 Based Hazers
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Hazers are the foundation to lighting, and without haze it can prove to be difficult to light a room well. Daniel and the DC Pro team talk through general hazer practices, as well as specific details and practices to get the most out of CO2 Based Hazers.
Key Points:
Key Points:
- Remember that all haze fluids are not equal! Make sure you’re using the recommended fluid for your hazer.
- CO2 Hazers require CO2 tanks, which can be difficult to acquire. If your church has CO2 deliveries for a soda machine, you could easily request an extra smaller bottle in the order that way. However, several gas companies are likely to help you out if you explain the need!
- CO2 haze can hang in a room for a long time, so be mindful of how much you pump into a room!
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