Console UI on eMotion LV1 Classic

The eMotion LV1 Classic mixing console offers a versatile and powerful solution for managing audio in live production environments. From its flexible fader layouts to its comprehensive channel controls and patching options, the LV1 Classic provides tools to handle complex audio setups efficiently.

Flexible Mixer Views and Fader Control

The LV1 Classic features two independent mixer views, allowing for customized fader layouts. You can control up to 32 faders simultaneously using a combination of on-screen and physical faders. The console's setup menu lets you assign fader banks to follow either Mixer 1, Mixer 2, or operate as a standalone bank, providing unparalleled flexibility in your mixing workflow.

Comprehensive Channel Control

The Channel tab offers a bird's-eye view of all parameters for the selected channel. Here, you can adjust input settings, manage the plugin rack with up to 8 slots per channel, and save channel presets. The ability to import and export presets, including artist presets, allows for quick setup and consistent sound across different sessions.

Powerful Patching and Routing

The Patch tab is where all the magic happens for input and output routing. With two inputs (A and B) per channel, you can easily switch between stage inputs and virtual playback sources. The patching interface allows for quick assignment of channels to groups, matrices, and DCAs, streamlining your mix organization.

Show Management and Scene Control

The Show tab handles session management, allowing you to save, load, and create new sessions or templates. The Scenes menu provides granular control over which parameters change between scenes, while the Recall Safe feature ensures critical settings remain untouched across scene changes.

Customizable User Interface and Controls

The Setup tab offers extensive customization options. From configuring the console's channel count and latency settings to assigning user-definable keys, you can tailor the LV1 Classic to your specific workflow needs. The ability to lock plugins and routing adds an extra layer of security for less experienced operators.

The eMotion LV1 Classic console combines flexibility, power, and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for houses of worship managing both live and streamed services. Its intuitive interface and customizable features allow for efficient audio management in various production scenarios.

