Vista Ecosystem Overview

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Tony Fransen gives an overview of the Vista ecosystem. He discusses everything from the various consoles and hardware options to key features of each model available. Tony provides a comprehensive understanding of Vista’a hardware and software capabilities.

Console Ecosystem

The Vista ecosystem includes a range of consoles designed to meet different production needs. The primary products are the EX and MV, listed under the console dropdown menu.
  • EX Console: A full-size wing used for more extensive productions.
  • MV Console: A five-bank fader wing, serving as a secondary or smaller desk option.

Flagship and PC-Based Consoles

The L5 and i3 are standalone flagship consoles with built-in computing and processing power.
  • L5 Console: Offers all-in-one computing and processing capabilities.
  • I3 Console: Includes the necessary components to operate a show without external computing.
The S3, S1, and M1 consoles require an external PC for operation.
  • S3 Console: Larger flagship model for PC-based setups.
  • S1 Console: Smaller version of the S3.
  • M1 Console: Functions as a fader bank similar to the MV and EX.

Dongle and Licensing Options

The Vista consoles use dongles to unlock channel capacities, which vary by size.
  • Dongle Sizes: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, and unlimited channels.
  • Upgrading Licenses: Licenses can be upgraded by contacting a local distributor, often done remotely.

Output Configurations

Different models have varying DMX output configurations, essential for setting up your console.
  • EX Console: Includes two physical DMX outputs.
  • MV Console: Has one DMX output.
  • L5 Console: Supports up to four universes of output.

