Better Services with Planning Center

4 Videos 38 minutes 101 General
Set the foundation of a service flow, provide team clarity for Sunday morning, create clear service plans, and organize multiple services at once. Dillan Howell guides you through a streamlined approach to service planning and execution.

Planning Center For You & Your Team
Learn how to navigate the PCO interface and how to understand the dashboard, service planner, and other key features available to you and your team.

Add & Clarify Small Details
Create a service plan from scratch using headers, items, songs, and media for a complete service flow. Use quick keys for efficient planning and learn to include small details. Some things may seem trivial, but the goal is over-communication for your team to enhance cooperation and avoid questions.

Resource Your Team for Sunday Morning
Times, Teams, Files, and Notes are all available for you in PCO. These sections help clarify expectations, streamline communication, and prep your team for service.

Use The Matrix
Organize multiple services at once using the Matrix in PCO. This feature offers efficient drag-and-drop planning for scheduling volunteers and organizing service elements.