Before You Turn the Knob

5 Videos about 1 hour 101 Leadership
Leadership, team dynamics, volunteer management, and self-improvement are all terms that are easily heard and repeated in church teams. Fostering community, building relationships, and working well with fellow volunteers are all things that should be a part of you before you turn the knob. Trey Smith and Jeff Sandstrom share their insight and offer practical advice to help improve yourself, and your ministry’s impact.

Effective Communication with Leadership

Communicating with leadership constructively is key during unexpected changed or technical challenges. Balance respect for authority with the necessity of offering solutions-oriented feedback to your leadership.

Lead and Empower Volunteers

Recruit, train, retain, and motivate your fellow volunteers. Focus on creating a welcoming and inclusive team - it starts with you. Adapt your leadership and communication styles to meet the diverse needs of your fellow volunteers ranging from beginners to experienced team members.

Self-Leadership in Production

Personal development, humility, and accountability cannot be overstated in enhancing your leadership effectiveness. The practices that seem simple, like praying daily or reading your Bible, are foundational for personal and spiritual growth.

Build a Positive Team Culture

Create a culture of openness where when mistakes happen, they’re seen as opportunities to learn and grow. Every team member should feel valued and supported. Communities do more than just technical tasks, they strengthen bonds and help each other improve daily.

Technical and Soft Skills

You will ultimately face the technical parts of production in every aspect of your role, which includes many intricacies. But, more importantly, you will also face the soft skills needed for healthy leadership and team dynamics. Trey and Jeff share their practical tips for onboarding, shadowing, and increasing responsibility for volunteer teams.