
Basic RF Coordination

3 Videos 21 minutes 101 Audio
Whether you’re new to RF or you’ve been using wireless systems for a while, there’s something to learn in this course. Joe Henson and Jeff Sandstrom explore the basics of RF and present some best practices for deploying a system well in your church. Everything from antenna placement to frequency ranges to communicating with on stage talent… it’s all vital to a stable RF environment.

RF Fundamentals

Wireless systems can be difficult to understand, and if you’ve used them in the past then chances are you’ve encountered unexpected drops or interference. RF issues can be unpredictable and lead to major issues. The basics of RF includes frequency ranges, signal flow, and understanding the products you’ve purchased.

Antenna Placement & Coordination

Placing antennas correctly can be they key to unlocking the most out of your system. Everything from angling them correctly, to spacing them apart at the right distance, to eliminating barriers in between them and the talent… it’s all vital to the successful deployment of your RF system. Manage gain and noise levels to keep a clean signal while increasing gain on your antennas.

Best Practices

Navigate RF issues with free tools like Wireless Workbench by Shure. Educating and collaborating with the communicators in your church is also vital to make sure they don’t accidentally do something (like place their hand over the microphone transmitter) that would cause your RF system to experience issues.