What to Know Before You Serve

4 Videos 18 minutes 101 General
Serving in your local church can be a transformative journey, and we’re so excited that you’re taking the steps to become a key part of making your services happen. In this short course, you’ll learn some basic terminology and general concepts that apply whether you’re interested in audio, video, or lighting. Gain the tools needed to create impactful services in your church.

Key Points:
  • Start with a solid foundation. Familiarize yourself with the specific terminology associated with the production world. It is crucial for clear communication and efficient operation within a church environment.
  • Grasp the fundamental principle that, in live production, whether dealing with audio, video, or lighting, there's always a source and a destination. This core concept is vital for managing and troubleshooting workflows.
  • Learn the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships within your team in live production.
  • Dive into the art of stage management. Emphasize the importance of clear communication for coordinating services. Use tools like detailed input lists and stage plots. This ensures every element is correctly placed and hazards are avoided. 
    • A comprehensive layout of all stage elements is a critical resource for the entire production team. It helps the team understand how the stage elements fit together. It ensures accuracy in setup and efficiency in communication.
    • Explore how stage plots provide a visual diagram for placing worship team members. This optimizes communication and minimizes errors during the fast-paced environment of service preparations.
    • Stage plots act as a valuable tool for video and lighting teams. They serve as a comprehensive map for the production setup. This aids in shot list development and ensures proper lighting for all participants.