Snare Drum with Lee Fields

Snare Drum with Lee Fields Snare Drum with Lee Fields

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Lee Fields gives a detailed approach to achieving a distinct snare drum sound. The focus is on using a combination of EQ, dynamic EQ, compression, and specialized effects to sculpt the snare sound. This technique emphasizes creating a blend that enhances the snare’s snap and attack.

Key Points:
  • Both top and bottom snare mics are crucial for capturing the full character of the snare drum.
  • The top mic is first adjusted for optimal sound using EQ, dynamic EQ, and compression.
  • High-pass filtering and mid-range scooping are used on the top mic to clean up the sound.
  • The bottom mic is primarily used to add top-end and 'jamboree' elements to the snare sound.
  • EQ on the bottom mic involves cutting low-end and mid frequencies. This leaves primarily the sizzle.
  • Carefully adjust the compression on the bottom mic to shape the sound and pick up ghost notes. Make sure it isn't triggered by the kick drum.
  • Both mics are then blended together. Attention is given to balancing the levels for the desired snare sound.
  • Reverb, both gated and long, is added to both mics to create a cohesive sound field and add dimension to the snare.


