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Planned vs. On-The-Fly Directing
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Hear from Rusty Anderson as he shares his experience on effectively video directing in worship, focusing on the balance between pre-planned shots and real-time decision making.
Key Points:
- Learn how the majority of video directing in worship settings involves making spontaneous decisions based on what's happening live.
- Understand the significance of having systems and planning in place, such as defining shot types and camera roles, to facilitate better decision-making during live events.
- Discover the strategy of assigning specific zones and roles to camera operators to ensure a variety of shots and avoid redundancy.
- Explore how providing clear guidelines to camera operators allows them to be more focused and creative within their assigned areas.
- Gain insight into how scripting is used for special creative elements or complex performances, while most directing is responsive and adaptive to the live situation.
- Learn the importance of having diverse camera angles and movements to enhance the storytelling and engagement of the viewers.
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