Drum Blending with Jeff Sandstrom

Dive into Jeff Sandstrom’s advanced drum mixing technique that utilizes multiple microphones to shape the tone of each drum and cymbal. This approach focuses on the use of fader levels to blend the various elements of the drum kit, creating a cohesive sound. Jeff demonstrates building a drum mix from scratch, starting with the overheads to create an overall picture of the kit, and then selectively adding in other components for a balanced mix.

Key Points:
  • The drum mixing strategy involves using multiple mics on different drum elements, each contributing uniquely to the overall sound.
  • Starting with the overheads, the mix is built up by gradually adding other elements like the kick and snare drums.
  • The overhead mics provide a certain amount of attack from the kick drum, influencing the balance of the kick drum mics in the mix.
  • Fader levels are finely adjusted to blend the tones of the individual drums and cymbals, achieving a natural and cohesive sound.
  • The final touches include adding reverb and parallel compression as needed to enhance the drum kit's overall sound and dynamic range.


