Basic Floor Toms
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Fine-tuning the sound of floor toms is an intricate process. Learn from Lee, Jeff, and Andrew, as they discuss strategies for managing low-end frequencies, stick attack, and the dynamics of drum playing. They also emphasize the crucial role of gating in achieving a crisp, clean tom sound.
Key Points:
- Floor toms and kick drums have similar size and tonal characteristics. It’s important to differentiate their sounds.
- Use high-pass filtering to control the low-end frequencies of the floor tom.
- Reduce the high-mid frequencies to manage the stick attack. Tailor this to the drummer’s style and the characteristics of the drum.
- Account for the physical dynamics of drum playing. Floor toms are often hit with less force due to their position. This requires adjustments in fader volumes for a balanced sound.
- Set up the gate on the floor tom with a careful threshold to ensure it opens at the right time, allowing for the full range of playing dynamics.
- Fast attack settings on the gate help capture the initial transient of the drum. They also adjust the release to your personal preference.
- Toms should be slightly louder in the mix to stand out when the full band comes in, enhancing overall dynamic impact of the drum kit.