Remaining Committed

Remaining Committed Remaining Committed

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There’s more to serving than just the initial “yes.” The practical commitments of every person serving include being on time, being prepared, and having a proactive attitude. Todd and Jeff discuss these commitments and more.

Practical Commitments

Serving in church has many practical commitments, and these keys details are important to pay attention to when you say yes. Attention to detail, readiness, and punctuality are key to preventing mishaps that distract from the worship environment. Lack of preparation hurts the service and hurts the experience of those attending.

Facilitating Worship Through Excellence

Striving for excellence in every role is vital. Focus on facilitating a better worship experience every Sunday in both technical and non technical roles. Proper execution in your role, like hitting the lyrics on time, is crucial to helping to the congregation engage more fully with the service. Don’t underestimate the impact of the role you serve in.

Leadership and Accountability

Maintain high standards for leadership and accountability. Creating mutual accountability amongst team members ensures that everyone is on the same page, equally committed, and prepared. Have mutual respect for time by being punctual and in turn, leadership should respect volunteers’ time by running efficient rehearsals and meetings.

FILO (First In Last Out) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization built around supporting technical artists who serve the local church, designed to provide skill development, community and inspiration to equip technical artists to become effective contributors to their local church. Learn more and join the community at

