Kick Drum with Jeff Sandstrom

Explore the art of achieving diverse drum sounds with Jeff Sandstrom. Focus on the kick drum, and the subtleties of mic placement and audio processing. These techniques create distinctly different drum sounds. Using different mics and approaches can significantly alter the sound of a kit.

Key Points:
  • The same drum set and drummer can produce vastly different sounds.
  • Jeff utilizes two mics, the Beta 91 and the Beta 52. The Beta 91 is inside the drum, while the Beta 52 is at the hole of the drumhead. Each mic contributes to the fullness of the kick drum sound.
  • The Beta 91 is adjusted for a clean sound with a gate to eliminate snare drum interference. It also has EQ adjustments to reduce mid-range boxiness and enhance the “slap” sound.
  • The Beta 52 is known for its bottom-end emphasis. Similarly, a gate is used to remove snare sound. Also, EQ adjustments reduce mid-range frequencies.
  • Compression is added to the Beta 52 to create a more thunderous sound.
  • The outputs of the two mics can be mixed to adjust the sound of the kick drum. The balance between the mics can be varied for different song sections.
  • This technique allows for real-time mixing and tonal adjustments of the kick drum. It offers a range of sounds from a slamming rock beat to a softer ballad feel.


